Female Pattern Hair Loss

Female hair loss is usually referred to as "wide part." Hair recedes from a central region, moving outward. Hairline recession usually occurs less in women than men.

Typically, women are unaware if their hair thinning is permanent or temporary. Extreme events responsible for possible thinning include illness, hormonal issues, severe stress, or pregnancy in women.

Genetic hair loss occurs when hair growth halts or hair shedding exceeds 125 hairs per day. Baldness is inherited from either side of the family. To properly diagnose genetic hair loss, a patient should have a blood workup by a board-certified dermatologist.

Women usually lose hair through Pattern 4 or Pattern 2. Initially, Pattern 4 was classified as Ludwig`s pattern hair loss. Early hair loss can often be treated with medical therapy and injectable treatments like exosomes and PRP. Females experiencing more extensive pattern hair loss are treatable with hair transplants, usually requiring multiple sessions (approx 2-3). Women display a positive response to transplants, demonstrating a candidness to the procedure despite being ignored by many clinics. Post-face-lift women usually require a hair transplant. Another innovative technique allows for eyebrow and eyelash transplantation.

Genetically, women possess high hairlines. Maximus FUE Vitruvian Design method ideally appeals to women's hair loss and hairline work. We incorporate important hair restoration techniques for women, like natural hairlines, maximum density, and temple angle closure.


Female No Shave FUE Hair Transplant

The female patient below had 1,148 grafts FUE with AlviArmani Beverly Hills Clinic to restore her hairline and thinning temples and increase density and volumize her hair.

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Female Hair Restoration and Exosome result

This female patient had significant thinning throughout the top of her scalp and used cosmetics to help camouflage her hair loss for years. Our physicians performed a FUE Hair restoration procedure of over 3,000+ grafts and exosome therapy throughout her entire scalp in our AlviArmani Beverly Hills Clinic to completely restore her hairline temples and…

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Female Hairline Restoration

This Female patient had her hairline and temples restored with the AlviArmani Clinic. AlviArmani offers both Female Hair Restoration solutions as well as Exosome and PRP Therapy to woman as we have helped countless woman regrow, add density, volumize and restore their head of hair through our various treatments.  

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Female Hair Rejuvenation Solutions

Lindsey Hughes is the wife of Dr. Michael Hughes, Medical Director of AlviArmeni Beverly Hills. She was unhappy with her hair, particularly along her hairline. After discussion with her husband she came to the local AlviArmani Clinic to have an Exosome and PRP Hair Rejuevenation Treatment. AlviArmani offers Injectable Hair Rejuvenation Therapy that helps men…

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Female Pattern Hair Loss Beverly Hills

Female Pattern Hair Loss can cause a devastating blow to a woman’s self-confidence and self-esteem. Hair loss in women occurs in a few different ways for a few different reasons. Hair may grow thin in the part causing a “wide part” appearance as it recedes from the middle out. In some cases hair thinning in women…

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Female Hair Restoration

  Our FUE Hair Restoration method appeals to women suffering from hair loss because of the natural look our results yield. Dr. Baubac Hayatdavoudi incorporates important hair restoration techniques for female hair restoration patients including natural and feminine looking hairline design, high density restorations, and perfect angulation of the hairs for an undetectable result.

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