What is a hair transplant and how does it work?

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that transfers hair from the sides and back of the scalp to areas on the top that are thin or balding.

A hair transplant works because the transplanted hair follicles are taken from areas that are genetically resistant to hair loss, typically the back and sides of the head. This is referred to as the donor area. Therefore, the term donor dominance indicates that the hair follicles from the donor area maintain their characteristics even when transplanted to another location. The hair follicles are excised from the scalp either by scalpel in FUT, strip harvesting or circular punch when performed in FUE / follicular unit extraction.

Donor before and after 2275 FUE grafts harvested.

Once the donor hair follicles are removed, they are prepared for implantation in tiny incisions prepared by the hair transplant surgeon in the recipient area.

With FUT, the area that was excised by the scalpel is then sutured closed. This will leave the patient with a linear scar that is covered by the surrounding hair. With FUE surgery the incisions are often smaller than 1mm and close naturally leaving only a tiny dot, which is usually not visible even when the hair is shaved very short in the donor area.

Over the past 10 years, FUE has become the preferred method for many surgeons and patients, although FUT has specific applications for some patients.


Prospective patients should do their due diligence and investigate prospective surgeons by examining their online patient portfolio of results, patient reviews, and their training and certifications. During a one-on-one consultation between the patient and the surgeon, the surgeon will assess the patient's hair loss, provide alternative treatment options and determine the optimal number of grafts needed, and discuss the projected results.

After Hair Transplantation

After a hair transplant surgery, there is usually minimal discomfort, bleeding, and swelling. The tiny, transplanted hair sheds in 2 to 3 weeks, and the permanent transplanted hair begins normal growth in 6 to 12 weeks. Specialized inter-operative and postoperative treatments can improve patient comfort and accelerate hair growth.


Within 6 months, there is significant hair growth, and by 12 months, patients achieve a full result. For many patients, it is advisable that they take hair maintenance medications like minoxidil and finasteride to prevent or slow down future hair loss.