3,500 Hair Grafts +PRP Hairline and Crown Restoration – Los Angeles

This patient was a youthful and athletic 40-year-old who had been losing his hair since his mid-20s. He was very unhappy with the appearance of his hair and how it made him look older. He ultimately shaved his hair to minimize the appearance of his hair loss. He found AlviArmani online and scheduled a consultation. He was clear in his goals to have a full and youthful hairline that reflected how he felt inside and to fill in the hair loss in his crown. Make sure you watch the comb-through video at the bottom of this post!

Before FUE hair transplant with hair loss in Zone1,2 and 4

During his hair loss consultation, it was determined that he would need a total of 3,500 hair grafts with 2,000 grafts transplanted to the hairline and 1,500 grafts for the crown.

Self-submitted photos prior to his consultation.

Our hair surgeon harvested the 3,500 grafts via FUE and included our enhanced PRP solution to introduce the patient's natural growth factors to speed healing and hair growth in one session.

By 3 months he was seeing early hair growth.

At 12 months his transplanted hair had grown in and he had the full youthful appearance he was seeking.

Front view before and 12 months post-op.