Posts Tagged ‘Hairline Lowering’
NO-Shave Executive FUE Hair Transplant
The patient below had 1,500 grafts via individual FUE graft harvesting to thicken and lower his hairline, close in the temples and restore his temple points. This was a non-shaving hair transplant procedure. Watch actual comb-through video below.
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The patient was experiencing hairline recession below and had 2,666 FUE grafts to lower his hairline and restore the frontal region at high density with AlviArmani Beverly Hills Clinic. Before hairline lowering and immediately post-op Before and after – Top view. After 2,666 grafts to lower hairline and restore center front density.
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The patient below 4,000 grafts to lower his hairline, close in the temples and restore the frontal region.
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This patient was in his mid 30’s and although his hair loss was not severe (Norwood Classification 3 Hair Loss) he was unhappy with both his hairline and temporal recession. AlviArmani developed a treatment plan for him that would include transplanting 3,081 grafts utilizing FUE harvesting technique. When advancing the temporal region it is critical…
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