Dr. Ischayek Los Angeles Magazine Top Doctor 2024

At AlviArmani, hair restoration is more than just a medical procedure. It is where precision meets artistry. AlviArmani hair surgeon Dr. Michelle Ischayek focuses on both aspects to deliver industry-leading results that enhance her patients’ lives. The core of her artistic approach is based on Leonardo Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Methodology, a method embraced by AlviArmani…

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Salt Lake City Hair Transplant Patient’s Hair Restoration Journey

Evan’s Hair Restoration Journey Experiencing hair loss can be a significant source of stress and anxiety for many people. For over twenty years, Evan grappled with his own hair thinning, starting as early as age 17. Despite having a naturally receded hairline, the increased visibility of his thinning hair was concerning enough to explore potential…

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Unveiling the Reality of Hair Transplant Scars

Key Highlights Hair transplant scars are an inevitable result of the surgery, as incisions are made in the skin during the procedure. The amount of scarring depends on factors such as age, scalp condition, hair transplant technique and the expertise of the surgeon. There are two main hair transplant techniques: Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and…

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What is the success rate for hair transplant surgery?

It has been said, “I have never seen a good hair transplant.” This is true – it is impossible to detect a good hair transplant from the person’s original hair because the appearance will be completely natural. As many AlviArmani patients can attest, “Even my hair stylist has no idea I had my hair transplanted”…

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Not All Hair Transplants Are the Same!

Surgeons can use many methods and devices to perform hair transplant surgery. Most contemporary techniques, in the hands of a well-trained and experienced hair surgeon, can achieve acceptable results. FUT or Donor Strip Harvesting involves the removal of donor hair by excising a large linear, ear-to-ear strip of tissue and then suturing the donor area…

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Dr. Michael Hughes Awarded Top FUE Hair Restoration Doctor in California

Beverly Hills, CA —- Dr. Michael Hughes a renowned hair restoration specialist, has been named the “Top FUE Hair Restoration Doctor in California” in the 2024 Aesthetic Everything® Aesthetic and Cosmetic Medicine Awards. This prestigious award recognizes Dr. Hughes’ exceptional skills and expertise in the field of hair restoration, solidifying his position as one of the leading…

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AlviArmani – On Good Things Utah with Dr. Craig Barton

A hair restoration process that will change your life by: Ashley Rich Posted: May 24, 2023 / 03:12 PM MDT – Reprint from ABC4.com / Good Things Utah Salt Lake City, UT (Good Things Utah) – Everyone wants to feel confident not only on the inside but on the outside too! Hair can play a…

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Exosome – New Hair Loss Maintenance Therapy

Exosome Therapy For Hair Strengthening Many of our patients have reported feeling the strengthening and growth of their hair after exosome treatment. AlviArmani offers exosome injection therapy for patients with moderate hair loss or slight thinning who want to moderate their hair loss. Many of our patients who have had Exosomes with us have reported…

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AlviArmani Recieved the Best of State Award – Utah

AlviArmani Utah was recently awarded the Best of State Award in the category of Medical Processes in Salt Lake City Utah. AlviArmani just opened our new luxurious surgical facility in Salt Lake in January of 2023, which made this award an unexpected surprise.   About the Award The Best of State Awards were created to…

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